Always, Forever, Never, and Someday
Always on the outside,
Forever looking in,
Never letting it known,
Some day will just not come.
Always trying to trust,
Forever being betrayed,
Never being accepted,
Some day I might just learn.
Always starting over,
Forever hoping on,
Never fully realizing,
Some day my dreams are gone.
Always forcing laughter,
Forever smiling on,
Never does the pain end,
Some day does not belong.
another extremely sad but lovely poem. the sense of loss in all of these is overwhelming.
What can I say....Loss has been my bosom companion for as long as I can remember....I hope someday, that will change completely...
Things have been changong for the beter lately...
unfortunately..I feel depression is my muse.
Girl, I LOVED IT! :wub:
Always TRUE
Forever THE SAME
I hear you loud and clear my friend! We see eye to eye! You are a genius! :wub: :rah:
That was a bit of Genuis yourself!!! Thank you!
Zayury, I would love to see you try your hand at poetry!!!
Try my hand at poetry?! I don't think so! LOL!
Girl, I want you to laugh WITH me, not AT me! ROFL! :D ;)
How about settling for 'NEAR' you.....LOL!!!
That's what I tell my kids...LOL!!!
It's wonderful that you have the talent to express how you are feeling. It must help to have an outlet like that, and such an artistic one, too! I find it very hard to put words into poetry, but I do enjoy reading it from others.
I do wish I had the gift that you do, Melissa! :)
Thank you Tammy!
But you should hear me talk...LOL!
Not quite so eloquent. More on the garbled and everyday. And sometimes I even mix up my words and make new ones unintentionally...LOL!!!
I do better when I write.
Hey! No sweat! I'm that way myself! i do better with expressing myself with writing. I get all tongue-tied, or nervous. Depends on with who it is or where I'm at... LOL! :)
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